Recommendations by committees that concern changes in school-wide policies shall be referred by the Dean to the Executive Committee and the JABSOM Faculty Senate or appropriate Policy Advisory Committee for consideration. If you have any questions, please contact the Associate Dean of Medical Education, Lee Ellen Buenconsejo-Lum, MD, at
Executive Committee
The JABSOM Executive Committee is responsible for recommending policies to the Dean and for serving as the liaison between the Dean and the faculty by discussing all matters brought before it.
LCME Compliance Committee
The role of the LCME compliance committee (LCMECC) is to monitor JABSOM compliance with the LCME accreditation standards.
Admissions Committee
The Admissions Committee is responsible for reviewing the applications for admission to the MD program at the medical school and has the dean-delegated authority to make all MD admission decisions.
Academic Appeals Committee
The Academic Appeals Committee shall review cases in three categories: 1) appeals from decisions of the Student Standing and Promotion Committee; (2) academic grievances filed by students enrolled at JABSOM; and (3) issues of academic dishonesty and/or misconduct by all students enrolled in JABSOM programs Decisions of the Committee can be appealed to the Dean whose decision will be final.
Student Standing and Promotion Committee
The Student Standing and Promotion Committee (SSPC) will review the performance of any medical student who meets the criteria set forth in the Policy for the Assessment of medical Student Performance for appearance before the SSPC.
Evaluation Remediation and Review Committee
The Evaluation, Review, and Promotion Committee (ERPC) is responsible for reviewing each medical student’s evaluation at the end of each course and actions such as developing a remediation plan when needed or referring a student to the Student Standing and Promotion Committee (SSPC).
Financial Aid Committee
The Financial Aid committee is responsible for administering scholarships, awards, and loans to medical students at JABSOM.
Continuing Medical Education Committee
The Continuing Medical Education Committee is responsible for matters related to programs of continuing medical education and functions in conjunction with the Hawaiʻi Consortium for Continuing Medical Education.
Curriculum Committee
The Curriculum Committee is responsible for coordinating the overall design, implementation, and evaluation of a coherent and coordinated curriculum.
Committee on Graduate Education
The Committee is responsible for matters related to Graduate Biomedical Sciences, joint degree programs and graduate student affairs.
Dean’s Advisory Committee for Appointment, Promotion and Tenure
The Dean’s Advisory Committee for Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure (DACAPT is responsible for reviewing the credentials of all faculty (compensated and non-compensated) at the rank of Associate Professor or Professor (and their equivalent ranks) proposed for appointment to the school with subsequent recommendation to the Dean. In addition, the DACAPT will provide summary assessments of faculty members being considered for promotion and/or tenure. The purpose of the DACAPT is to provide a resource of experienced JABSOM faculty members who can serve in an advisory capacity to the Dean.
Graduate Medical Education Committee
The Graduate Medical Education Committee, in collaboration with the Designated Institutional Official, is responsible for matters related to Graduate Medical Education and all of the residency and fellowship programs falling within the purview of the John A. Burns School of Medicine as the Sponsoring Institution for purposes of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education.
Committee on Global Health and International Medicine
The Committee on Global Health and Medicine (CGHM) will develop and recommend policy for the School of Medicine in the areas of international health and medicine, international medical education, and international basic, clinical and public health research. The CGHM will establish and maintain relationships with partner institutions, healthcare organizations, healthcare providers and health researchers to facilitate efforts of the school its faculty in these areas.
Student Recruitment Committee
The JABSOM Student Recruitment Committee (SRC) will advise on the student recruiting activities of JABSOM – including recruiting for the M.D. Program, graduate programs, Medical Technology, Communication Sciences Disorders (CSD) and post-baccalaureate programs. The Committee may, at its discretion, assign speakers, stage conferences, prepare recruitment media, conduct tours and engage in any other suitable activities designed to educate prospective students and the general public as to the educational programs available at JABSOM.
Professionalism Advisory Committee
The JABSOM Professionalism Advisory Committee (J-PAC) reviews and recommends processes and curricula that will enhance attainment of the JABSOM professionalism philosophy by all learners, staff and faculty. The committee is advisory to the Associate Deans and Dean and does not investigate, rule upon, or discipline employees or learners.
Coordinating Committee on Opportunity, Diversity, and Equity (C-CODE)
The Coordinating Committee on Opportunity, Diversity, and Equity (C-CODE) supports institutional strategic priorities relevant to ODE and provides enhanced coordination and communication for initiatives and activities related to diversity and inclusion.
JABSOM Faculty Senate
The JABSOM Faculty Senate, which operates under separate bylaws, functions as a representative body of the JABSOM faculty. It obtains broadly based faculty input regarding affairs of JABSOM and makes recommendations to or advises the Dean and Executive Committee on all matters brought before it. The President and Vice President of the faculty senate are elected by members of the JABSOM senate and serve as members of the JABSOM Executive Committee.