The Office of the Associate Dean for Research (OADR) oversees and enhances research endeavors from all 13 departments at JABSOM and over 12 centers and institutes. It also oversees master’s and doctoral degree programs and related certificate programs offered by five JABSOM departments. The role of the OADR is to drive strategy, assist research with facilities and administrative needs, and celebrate research discoveries.
The OADR was established to support JABSOM’s efforts to grow its research portfolio and support its research endeavors, partnerships, and graduate training programs. Research is recognized as an essential component for accreditation of the medical school. Further, research addresses the critical need for the translation of research findings into medical practice to improve health outcomes for our local community. As a community-based medical school, this involves substantial partnerships with all our local hospitals and clinics.
Dr. W. Steven Ward
Interim Associate Dean for Research
Phone: (808) 956-5189
Kristy Shine, MD, PhD
Medical Student Research Director