The Annual Biomedical Sciences & Health Disparities Symposium (April)
The Annual Biomedical Sciences & Health Disparities Symposium attracts some of the top health science research and ideas from throughout academia in Hawaiʻi. The next call for abstracts will be announced in Spring 2024.
Health Professions Education Conference (February)
The main goals of the Health Professions Education Conference are to provide a forum for health professions faculty to deliver and receive faculty development relevant to their role as teachers; provide a forum for the presentation of peer-reviewed projects in education research, education innovation and curriculum development; raise awareness of educational projects at different health profession schools; and promote interaction and collaboration between schools, departments and offices involved in health professions education.
Annual International Hawaiʻi Cardiovascular Symposium (February)
The 6th Annual International Hawaiʻi Cardiovascular Symposium (IHCVS) was held at the UH Cancer Center's Sullivan Center, February 8-9, 2023. This meeting explored the latest basic medical research on cell death, mitochondrial dynamics, autophagy, with a specific focus on heart failure. The program hosted session talks by international experts on stem cell biology and myocardial repair, mitochondrial dynamics, autophagy, necrosis, and metabolism with a major focus on translating basic and clinical heart failure. The Symposium is sponsored by John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, and the St. Boniface Hospital Albrechtsen Research Centre, Winnipeg, Canada.
Hawaiʻi Addictions Conference (April)
The Departments of Psychiatry and Family Medicine & Community Health of the University of Hawaiʻi John A. Burns School of Medicine are proud to annually organize the Hawaiʻi Addictions Conference, Hawaiʻi’s premier training, education, networking, and skill-building opportunity centering on substance use. The conference explores new horizons in the diagnosis and treatment of addictions, breakthroughs in evidence-based research, the changing climate of drug policy, and the current culture of patient care.
View the 2023 Conference Schedule (pdf)
Hawaiʻi Pacific Health Biomedical Research and Innovation Center Scientific Presentations (September)
This is the culmination of a year-long clinical research training program aimed at developing junior clinical faculty. The program is comprised of a small cohort of clinical faculty from different disciplines who engage in didactic workshops and complete a clinical research project.
Several of our clinical departments have days to celebrate their research and foster collaboration. Selected departments are featured here.
Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women's Health (May)
The Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women's Health strives to improve women's health and inspire discovery through its annual Department Research Day Symposium.
Department of Pediatrics (May)
The Department of Pediatrics presents research work done by its stellar pediatric residents and neonatal fellows at the annual Pediatric Research Day. The last Pediatric Research Day was held on May 25, 2022.
The Queen's Medical Center Summer Research Internship (June-August)
This competitive internship, offered by The Queen’s Medical Center, Office of Research & Development in collaboration with the Department of Native Hawaiian Health, is intended for undergraduate college students who are interested in biomedical research and a career in medicine. Application deadline: January/February.
Hawaiʻi Pacific Neuroscience Summer Internship Program (June-August)
In this 8-week intensive program, interns have the opportunity to interact directly with our multidisciplinary team of doctors and to experience working in a clinic setting. Additionally, interns choose a therapeutic area to research for the duration of their program and present their research in a Summer Symposium at the end of the program. Application deadline: March.
Contact the individuals below to join email listservs for several main seminar series we offer.