Getting Involved

Getting Involved

There are many ways to get involved as a JABSOM faculty member. Getting involved allows you to build connections with others, participate in projects and committees you are passionate about, as well as give back to our community.

JABSOM Standing Committees

Please look for call for nominations to serve on faculty committees from your department. If you are interested in serving on a committee, please consult with your department chair first to ensure that you meet the requirements and time commitment.

View our committees here.

UH Manoa Faculty Senate

The University of Hawai'i at Mānoa Faculty Congress is composed of all UH Mānoa faculty members who serve the University at least half-time. The Senate is an elected representative body that may act for Congress on matters of shared governance. The Senate consists of 10 Senate Committees and other non-Senate committees that review and refer policy matters to the SEC, Senate, and Congress.

View more information here.

Homeless Outreach and Medical Education

The Hawaiʻi H.O.M.E. Project(opens in a new tab) was founded in August of 2005 and our first free clinic began servicing homeless individuals in May of 2006, with the opening of the Next Step transitional shelter in Kakaʻako.

Hawaii H.O.M.E. Project is a JABSOM student-run free clinic staffed by volunteers including:

  • UH premedical students
  • JABSOM medical students
  • UH, Tripler Army Medical Center, and Kaiser Permanente resident physicians
  • UH faculty and community attending physicians

Learn more about the Hawaii H.O.M.E. Project here.

For general inquiries, please email