Individual Development Plan Policy

The Individual Development Plan (IDP) is a recommended tool to help students and trainees optimize their success.

Your Individual Development Plan (IDP) and access to mentors are elements specifically designed to help you:

  • Own and enhance your training and professional development.
  • Step back and refocus! During your routine research practice, it is easy to lose sight of your long-term end goals.
  • Reflect upon your short-, mid- and long-term training and developmental ambitions.
  • Recognize and use provided resources to help you meet your goals.
  • Strengthen your relationship with your mentor and maintain an open discussion.
  • Create a straightforward plan with clear steps and realistic expectations.

In light of the benefits to trainee development, JABSOM recommends all of its Biosciences MS/PhD candidates, postdocs, and their mentors to create and discuss the IDP on an annual basis. Below, is a suggested IDP template, shared with our College’s executive committee and faculty senate. Trainees may opt to use other templates, such as the idp available at AAAS or an alternative recommended by their graduate program.