Residents or Fellows & Research

In order to achieve the optimal patient outcomes, we must critically examine contributors to health and work towards providing excellent and safe patient care.

All medical residents and fellows are required to participate in scholarly activity, including research, and a quality improvement project during their training. These investigations generally occur in the clinical learning environments – hospitals, ambulatory care clinics, nursing homes and other clinical learning settings.

Residency Fellowship Examples of Patient Safety and/ Quality Improvement Projects
Family Medicine Sports Medicine A variety of diabetes, hypertension and chronic pain related projects
Internal Medicine Cardiovascular Disease A variety of National Cardiovascular Data Registry quality measures
Internal Medicine Geriatric Medicine A variety of avoiding polypharmacy in the elderly, fall prevention
Obstetrics & Gynecology Family Planning Several patient safety/ QI projects
Obstetrics & Gynecology Maternal Fetal Medicine Several patient safety/ QI projects
Orthopedic Surgery   A variety of National Surgical Quality Improvement measures
Pediatrics Neonatal Perinatal Promoting human breast milk by discharge of NICU babies
Psychiatry Addictions Psychiatry Prevention of suicide
Psychiatry Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Prevention of suicide
Psychiatry Geriatric Psychiatry Prevention of suicide
Surgery Surgical Critical Care A variety of National Surgical Quality Improvement measures

The John A. Burns School of Medicine provides research support for its Graduate Medical Education (GME) programs through the Residency Research and Faculty Development Program. The Program is designed to assist Residency Programs according to their needs which may include research design and biostatistics lectures, enhancement of research design, provision of limited biostatistician resources and assistance to faculty in developing research programs.

Residents/fellows should contact their department/GME program research lead, or

Crystal Costa
Office of the Designated Institutional Official (DIO)