Planning Process and Progress

Planning Process Overview

JABSOM has approached strategic planning and integration of its strategic initiatives first by establishing common values, vision and a clear mission. This leadership and faculty driven effort has been supplemented using periodic mission-focused planning retreats involving JABSOM leadership, faculty & community representatives. Outcomes from these planning initiatives are shared at the JABSOM Faculty Senate and JABSOM Executive Committee meetings and progress is monitored during regular (generally weekly) meetings of the Dean’s Executive Leadership team with feedback to stakeholders via the appropriate Leadership team members. Progress on different initiatives are shared through appropriate faculty/staff committees, eNewsletters, web postings, and news releases. Major initiatives are shared annually in a report to the Mānoa Chancellor (see Annual Progress Reports).

The strategic planning effort has incorporated strategic initiatives from different levels within the 10-campus system of UH, and from school-wide, department, and program levels, to ensure that the school’s strategic plan has elements which are appropriately aligned with that of the parent university. Former Dean Hedges and interim Dean Buenconsejo-Lum have both been active at the UH and UHM levels in strategic planning initiatives, which has provided a mechanism that ensures such alignment occurs.

Strategic Plan Monitoring

Outcomes of the school’s strategic plan are monitored through a process driven by the dean’s executive leadership team. The dean’s executive leadership team holds weekly meetings to discuss and monitor elements of the strategic plan, in the context of current and future medical school operations and academic progress, with input from a number of data sources. For example, the UME and GME programs have review processes where overall progress on educational and teaching outcomes are annually monitored. Similarly, the research and resource missions are also regularly monitored, with annual reports given to the executive committee and the general faculty. Feedback from and to stakeholders is also provided via the appropriate leadership team members. The dean provides an annual report summarizing key elements of the school’s progress on its strategic plan to the UHM provost, which is available on this webpage.

Strategic Plan Update – In Spring 2023, the JABSOM dean’s executive leadership team proposed the 2025 sub-goals that would lead to achieving the short or medium term goals noted in the JABSOM strategic summary, based upon broad input from across the medical education program.

Clinical Healing –
On May 5, 2023, the clinical chairs, director of the OME, executive director of Hawai`i Residency Programs, Inc, executive leadership team from University Health Partners of Hawaiʻi (UHP), one of JABSOM’s affiliated faculty practice plans, UH Foundation development officers, and the interim dean met. These 19 individuals identified tactics and milestones relevant to the clinical healing pillar of the strategic summary.

Research and Discovery –
On May 17, 2023, 44 faculty, chairs, and post-doctoral fellow representatives from the basic, translational, and clinical science research programs or departments; directors of communications, information technology, and fiscal; development officers; UHP interim chief executive officer and the chief information officer; interim dean and associate dean for research met and identified tactics and milestones relevant to the research and discovery pillar of the strategic summary.

Education and Teaching –
On May 26, 2023, 13 faculty representatives from the school’s post-baccalaureate program (ʻImi Hoʻōla), UME (medical education, student affairs, admissions), GME, development officers, the interim dean and interim ADAA met and identified tactics and milestones relevant to the education and teaching pillar of the strategic summary.

Community Engagement – Also, on May 26, 2023, 15 faculty representatives from the Office of Medical Education, Department of Native Hawaiian Health, Pacific Disabilities Center, Department of Pediatrics, schoolwide Coordinating Committee on Opportunity, Diversity, and Equity (C-CODE), media team, development officers, and the interim dean met and identified tactics and milestones relevant to the community engagement pillar of the strategic summary.

Encouraging Resource Growth – The leads under the associate dean for administration, finance, and operations (ADAFO) met throughout May 2023 to refine tactics and milestones relevant to the resource growth pillar of the strategic summary.

Strategic Action Summary – In June 2023, an updated tracking grid was reviewed by the dean’s executive leadership team and at an executive committee meeting. Participants from the various sessions were also invited, where the finalized deliverables and milestones associated with the goals across all pillars of the strategic summary were discussed (see Strategic Action Summary 2024-2025 below). Download full 2024-2025 strategic priorities here (pdf).

The Dean’s executive leadership team will continue to monitor overall progress, and detailed quarterly tracking and follow-up for each pillar will be led by the ADR (research and discovery), interim ADAA (education and teaching), interim dean (clinical healing), ADAFO (resource growth), and the interim dean and director of the OME (community engagement).
 Strategic Priorities 2025 overview