Celebrating 50 Years of Scientific Research in Hawaiʻi

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ARCS (Achievement Rewards for College Scientists) Foundation has advanced science and technology across the United States since its formation in 1958. The Honolulu Chapter has contributed to science in Hawaiʻi for the last five decades. Through generous financial awards given to academically outstanding U.S. gradutate students studying to complete degrees in science, engineering, math, technology, and medical research at the University of Hawai‘i, ARCS has paved the way for homegrown researchers to make breakthroughs that impact our communities. 

This year, the ARCS Honolulu chapter will generously provide 18 $6,000 ARCS Scholar Awards. 

"Recipients are able to travel to meetings to present their work at international meetings. They're able to run samples, which can sometimes run thousands of dollars, so this can help with PhD research expenses," said Patty Lee, who oversees membership and recruiting for ARCS. The unrestricted grants can be used for anyting from computer equipment to living expenses that help students complete their doctoral programs.

The ARCS Honolulu Chapter has provided nearly $2.5 million to UH Manoa scholars—including 150 JABSOM students—since it was formed in 1974. To celebrate its 50th anniversary as a chapter in Hawaiʻi, the ARCS National Board held its winter meeting at JABSOM and attended the Honolulu Chapter's 50th Anniversary Kick-Off fundraiser luncheon.

Several former ARCS Scholars and shared research posters as part of the event. Topics included cell development, cardiomyopathy, and autism. 

Luncheon attendees also visited Dr. Robert Mann’s osteology and forensic anthropology lab at JABSOM (he only one in the state that educates doctors on bones, bone disease, and trauma) or toured medical education facilities with Interim Dean Lee Buenconsejo-Lum.

Save the dates for the 2024 ARCS Scholar Presentations on April 20 and Awards Banquet on May 6. Watch for more information on the ARCS Honolulu website.
ARCS Foundation Symposium and Luncheon