Events Calendar

Cancer Biology Program Seminar Series: Ming Hu, PhD

September 19, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Online via Zoom

University of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center
701 Ilalo Street, Honolulu, HI 96813

On September 19, the University of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center will host Dr. Ming Hu, PhD as a guest speaker in their Cancer Biology Program Seminar Series. We invite you to join Dr. Hu at 11:30am at the Cancer Center's Sullivan Center.

If you would like to join us via Zoom, below are the meeting details: 
Meeting ID: 835 0696 1219
Password: 477312

More Information

If you have additional questions please contact Michele Yang at

Background on Dr. Hu:

Dr. Hu is a Professor of Pharmaceutics, Diana S-L. Chow Endowed Professor of Drug Discovery and Development, Department of Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Science at the University of Houston College of Pharmacy. Dr. Hu’s laboratory has been devoted to understanding the factors that govern the bioavailability of drugs, dietary chemicals, and nutrients for the last 30 years. He is especially interested in drug delivery modalities and/or mechanisms that have tremendous potentials for clinical utility. His lab employs a variety of biological model systems including rodent animals, Caco-2 cells, intestinal perfusion, and microsomes that are enriched in metabolic enzymes from various organs. Dr. Hu has been supported by more than 50 grants and trained more than 100 students/postdoctoral fellows. To date, he has published more than 250 manuscripts, with an H-Index of 61 and i10-index of 178 (top 2%). One of his edited books “Oral Bioavailability”, first published 12 years ago, became highly popular, and the updated version titled “Oral Bioavailability and Drug Delivery” was just published in 2024. Dr. Hu pioneered the concept of “Enteric Recycling” and “Hepatoenteric Recycling” for compounds undergoing glucuronidation, and many of his protocols have been adopted by FDA for drug pharmacological and safety studies. In 2019, a startup company, Sanarentero LLC, focusing on developing drugs to treat gut diseases, especially colorectal cancer, was spun out of Dr. Hu’s laboratory.
